Curling seems easy but it really isn't.  It takes a lot of strength to push a forty pound rock across
the ice and get it into the center. Only two people did it in the sessions I was in.
It was eight classes of curling in Penticton, and we did more than practice. We played boys against girls, we (the boys) won a lot.  First of all, it is important to make sure your shoes are very clean before you go into the rink area. There are machines to clean them. And on your shoes, you wear tape on one foot to slide, and on the other foot you put a gripper, so you don't fall. At the end of curling, we got to use real sliders on our feet and then had a pizza party. In conclusion, I like curling. It's a fun game. I plan on doing it again next year.

This is a line of my favorite series Silverwing. I've read three novels
of the Silverwing saga. It is in total 907 pages of this series. I didn't
read Firewing cause its a major spin-off with a plot that does not interest me right now. I have read the three books in the picture all in the last 2.5 weeks!
Sunwing is the second half of Silverwing's plot, while Darkwing is
a whole different story. I know the order and pages of this series.
Silverwing/book 1/272 pgs
Sunwing/book 2/264 pgs
Firewing/book 3/---  pgs
Darkwing/book 4/371 pgs
My favourite part of the three I've read is in Sunwing, where the bats intrude the pyramid of cannibal bats, trying to make eternal darkness. It is especially interesting because we have a lot of bats in the south Okanagan, and when I was in Mexico we saw a colony of bats every night come out to look for food.
In conclusion I suggest reading this series from start to end. These are great books.            by, Cole Hentzelt


Winnie Foster a girl of ten years
Lived in a town at the edge of the trees,
A stranger came to the door one day
with questions of the things she sees.

Her grandmother came to the door just then
To make the man go away,
But then she heard an amazing sound
down the wooded way.

It was a soft melody like a music box
That her grandmother heard before,
With lots of excitement she said it was elves-
And firmly shut the door.

Winnie woke up next morning
She went to run away from home,
She wasn't sure where she would go
So she went in the woods to roam.

Along the way she saw a toad
One that she saw before,
She sat and chatted for a bit
And then she walked some more.

Under a tree,  so huge so tall
She saw a boy alone,
He was drinking from a spring
That was hidden under several stones

He spotted Winnie and said to come out
Then they started to chat,
When a voice called out to him
It was his brother and mother- on a horse they sat!
Today i learned about motion and forces like inertia and friction. Here is a website to make blueprints of a roller coasters.. and it helps you learn about forces, motion and physics. 
I also learned about different kinds of forces, such as: applied force, gravitational force, tension force, frictional force, and normal force. It will be interesting to see what other things I will learn.
I did many things around Christmas time. We had friends come over for the holidays, a big Christmas dinner, eggnog, having christmas early (on Christmas Eve), shoveling the drive way[they can't all be fun], and passing Swim Kids 5. My favourite gift was the Lego Cole's Tread Assault [not me Cole]- which is next to my EB Games gift cards. Also when one of our friends came over they brought a puppy[as seen in picture]. Most of the time, we just relaxed, spent time with family and friends, went swimming and played games. Overall its been a good Christmas.

I am finishing up the section of multiculturalism in Social Studies. This is my collage project showing different things we have in Canada that come from all over the world.
At the beginning of the school year, I started ready Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. We took a break for other work and projects, but I am starting back into it. So far, the story goes like this: A family of four met a ten year-old
named Winnie Foster, and told her the secrets of the forests water, and how it makes people and animals live eternally. She stayed at their cottage for about a week, but when her parents get worried they ask a detective wearing yellow to look for her. And he had a suspicion that it was the Tucks (the people that Winnie is living with) . The next day Winnie and the older son, Miles, Tuck, went fishing for breakfast (which is weird because... fish.. for breakfast?) One day, the detective found the Tucks cottage and took Winnie away and also took some of the youth water.
(This is as far as I have gotten in the story so far). I've also been watching some of the movie on YouTube.... the movie is different than the book in some ways. For example, they deleted scenes and put scenes in off the top of their heads (meaning, scenes that were not written in the book). The scene that stands out the most in the movie that was not in the book was the scene where Winnie and the Foster family were in the market.
I made this last year... it was the first movie/video I made... enjoy.
I love to draw... lately I like to draw Invader Zim character that I make up. This one is called Skir.. I draw it with a marker... (the marker is important)
After, I scan it, and I have been learning to change it in Photoshop. My mom has been teaching me about layers, colouring, editing, adding dimension and this is what it ends up looking like....
Animal shelters are dealing with a huge problem. There are too many pets, and too little homes for them.
Over 176,185 cats were admitted in Canada 1993 to SPCA's, and 60% of those cats killed. And over 
dogs 102,132 are admitted in 1993 Canada and 30% were killed. Just like the cats just a different species.

People drop off pets at animal shelters because: lost pets, death of owner, moving, divorce, and allergies.
Shelters should be the last choice for options, try at least three other options before shelters. Try training your pet, or finding a loving home if you have to.
Overpopulation is the biggest problem. Theoretically a female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000
cats in 7 years.
Always keep your pets until they die, and remember to get your pet fixed.

The reason pets get killed in shelters is because there is not enough room for all of them (if you didn't know),
or sometimes the animal is too sick.
Things are getting a little better, in 2008 the number dropped with admissions and killing of pets to about
120,952  were admitted and approximately 36.5% killed. (84,301 cats and 54% put down & 36,651 dogs and 19% put down).

Pet tips:
-fix your pets
-if you have a cat don't let it wander off
-adopt instead of buy